Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dual Runs-Cadillac Mt. and Eagle Lake

Chloe and I set out in the cover of darkness on the day before the winter solstice. 

The sun makes its entrance to the day when we were nearing Bangor.

Chloe dropped me off at the park entrance along Rte. 233 which was gated for the winter.  I followed the deserted park loop road.

Left turn and up I go.

This photo was taken at about 2.5 miles and has Dorr Mountain and the gap in the background.  The roadway here was still clear.

Eagle Lake and Connor's Nubble where Chloe was speeding along below me somewhere.

Sargeant Mountain, a bit of Pemetic and the flank of Cadillac Mountain.

The higher the elevation the more ice and snow I encountered.  This ledge is at the sharp switchback at about 3.5 miles.

Road is becoming icy with some snow on it here.

Like a elevation line in the sky I was into the clouded summit zone and there were no views except grayness and the feeling of a void beyond.

Nearing the summit at about 4.25 miles.  This corner usually boasts a great view of the local islands dotting the Atlantic Ocean.

Snow is about 2 inches at the top where the wind hasn't scoured it off.

An empty parking lot at the top.

About 5 miles to the summit, 15 degrees with a decent wind but I felt great.

Less than an hour up with several stops for photo shoots.

This is the highest point.

I forgot to drink regularly and when I wanted some I found that the tube was total frozen.

On the descent.

Some bikes had been up and down sometime before me and you can see their tracks in this photo.

Looking back to where I had just come down from at about 7.5 miles into the run.
Chloe's Run Around Eagle Lake and Up Connor's Nubble

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